Scopri SWITCH, il magazine per far luce sulle competenze del futuro!

The training that
cultivates your talents

Enhance your potential by creating a personalized path that takes into account your individual needs. With the support of the latest technologies, we will accompany you along the way to achieve your personal goals.

Discover the thousands and one
opportunities of training

Be inspired and find your own way, choosing your personal path. Open yourself to new challenges and embark on the journey you have always dreamed of. For only by following the wind that blows through you can you find your way.

Take the first step toward your fulfillment: discover all the opportunities for tailored training and find the key to your personal success!

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Culture of data

Il modulo formativo “La Cultura del dato” ha come obiettivo fornire una formazione di base sul mondo dei dati e dell’intelligenza artificiale e su come sta evolvendo all’interno delle organizzazioni. Il tutto attraverso esperienze concrete fatte sul campo e con scenari di evoluzioni in corso sia a livello di specifiche industries sia a livello internazionale.

Culture of data

Il modulo formativo “La Cultura del dato” ha come obiettivo fornire una formazione di base sul mondo dei dati e dell’intelligenza artificiale e su come sta evolvendo all’interno delle organizzazioni. Il tutto attraverso esperienze concrete fatte sul campo e con scenari di evoluzioni in corso sia a livello di specifiche industries sia a livello internazionale.

Active construction of your own future

Il modulo fa parte del corso Talento in crescita: Corsi per Espandere le Tue Competenze e Rivelare il Tuo Potenziale, ideato per gli studenti che desiderano investire nel proprio futuro professionale, esplorando e sviluppando le soft skills e approfondendo la conoscenza di sé stessi, particolarmente rilevante nella transizione dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro.

Productivity management

Il modulo fa parte del corso Talento in crescita: Corsi per Espandere le Tue Competenze e Rivelare il Tuo Potenziale, ideato per gli studenti che desiderano investire nel proprio futuro professionale, esplorando e sviluppando le soft skills e approfondendo la conoscenza di sé stessi, particolarmente rilevante nella transizione dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro.

Corsi Aziendali

Culture of data

Il modulo formativo “La Cultura del dato” ha come obiettivo fornire una formazione di base sul mondo dei dati e dell’intelligenza artificiale e su come sta evolvendo all’interno delle organizzazioni. Il tutto attraverso esperienze concrete fatte sul campo e con scenari di evoluzioni in corso sia a livello di specifiche industries sia a livello internazionale.

Culture of data

Il modulo formativo “La Cultura del dato” ha come obiettivo fornire una formazione di base sul mondo dei dati e dell’intelligenza artificiale e su come sta evolvendo all’interno delle organizzazioni. Il tutto attraverso esperienze concrete fatte sul campo e con scenari di evoluzioni in corso sia a livello di specifiche industries sia a livello internazionale.

Executive Master part-time in Innovation Management & Business Strategy

The Master’s program is a specialization course that can offer the skills necessary to work successfully in the world of innovation and digital transformation in line with ISO 56002 certification and to be recognized as a professional in the field within the appropriate MISE registers.

Corporate culture for innovation

Questo modulo formativo si propone di esplorare in profondità il ruolo cruciale della cultura aziendale nello sviluppo di un ambiente favorevole all’innovazione. Attraverso approfondite analisi, casi di studio e interazioni pratiche, i partecipanti acquisiranno competenze fondamentali per comprendere e promuovere una cultura organizzativa che stimoli la creatività, la collaborazione e l’adattabilità. Preparatevi a trasformare la vostra prospettiva sulla gestione aziendale, aprendo la strada a un futuro di successo attraverso l’innovazione.

Leadership Academy

A training program dedicated to inter-company managerial figures, with the aim of providing them with the opportunity to develop leadership and team management skills, adapting their style to different situations, and compare themselves on different business realities.

Leadership Academy

A training program dedicated to inter-company managerial figures, with the aim of providing them with the opportunity to develop leadership and team management skills, adapting their style to different situations, and compare themselves on different business realities.

Executive Master Part-time in Innovation Management & Business Strategy

The course in innovation management is a course designed to offer companies the opportunity to develop all the skills needed to properly plan and manage innovation and digital transformation processes.

SEO Search Engine Optimization

The training module on “SEO – Search Engine Optimization” provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles and practices for improving a site’s online visibility on search engines.

DIBS introduction

DIBS, or Digital Innovation Business School, is the first entity to partner with faculty and educational institutions to co-create and deliver modular training content through modern classrooms and technologies. Such content can be assembled into user-customizable training paths designed to meet the individual needs, goals and personal characteristics of students and companies.

How?! Let’s find out together!

The model of Co-Formation

DIBS is an aggregator and deliverer of training content that positions itself between “Training Content Creators” and “Users” (students and companies) who seek training but need assistance in guiding and advancing their training and professional growth. 

We are primarily concerned with providing “Training Content Creators” with the tools, spaces and channels to create, share and promote their own training content. These are analyzed, selected and admitted, based on market analysis and research regarding the skills and professional figures most in demand.

Subsequently, we offer help and guidance to students and companies in the selection of training content, which is proposed on the basis of a thorough analysis of the particular needs, goals and personal characteristics of individual users, creating a training course that can not only develop emerging professional figures but also enhance the skills that make them unique and competitive in the modern labor market.

The DIBS training model is indeed based on a win-win collaboration with teachers, companies, and training institutions who are recognized as true co-owners of the copyright for the creation of modular and reassemblable training content and experiences in personalized paths based on the specific needs, characteristics, and objectives of users (students and companies).

This model allows those who create educational experiences not only to give concrete value to their modules (for which they will receive financial compensation for each user who requests access to such content) but also to expand the scope of their offer by proposing their content in ever new and personalized multidisciplinary paths for the user.

The result of this model is the creation of tailored paths capable of adapting to the needs and goals of students and companies, developing the skills and talents necessary to be unique and competitive in the increasingly technological and automated modern job market.

* The Co-Formation model is a registered model at SIAE owned by DIBS, Digital Innovation Business School.

Customization of Training Paths

We believe strongly in the uniqueness of people, which is why we give each user (student or company) the opportunity to create their own ad hoc training paths, capable of valuing their strengths and developing the talents that make them unique and competitive in the market. In fact, users will have the opportunity to develop their own study path, starting from their needs and interests, and then select the content that best suits not only their needs and goals but also their personal characteristics..

We want to prepare students in a practical, comprehensive and multidisciplinary way. Through customized training, users will be able to value their own uniqueness, taking advantage of both physical and digital environments by taking classes online, remotely, live stream or asynchronously.

In fact, the modular content structure allows the user to enhance his or her knowledge base by composing and customizing the entire course of study through the selection of individual contents that can be assembled into multidisciplinary and comprehensive pathways.

To facilitate selection and also provide added value through skills certification, DIBS already offers pre-configured training paths aimed at developing and certifying specific skills and areas. However, users always have the option to personalize this path by selecting additional content or breaking down the path to reassemble it according to their preferences.

Selection, Co-Creation, and Distribution of Educational Content

DIBS selects which content to co-create with its collaborators based on the skills and professional figures most in demand in today’s job market. We tend to focus on how modern technologies and new business models are reshaping the role of human beings in the world of work across various sectors. 

Subsequently, DIBS provides its resources such as tools, technologies, channels, spaces, and services for co-creation, sharing, and dissemination of educational content designed to leverage the most modern technologies, as well as having a modular structure to be then broken down, reassembled into customizable paths proposed based on the analysis of the needs, objectives, and characteristics of individual users (companies, students, and freelancers).

This model allows teachers and training institutions to create, position, share, and disseminate their educational content using modern environments and technologies that can enhance the reach, attractiveness, and lifecycle of their educational offerings. 

The content co-created with teachers and educational institutions is designed to be broken down, positioned, and re-proposed in hybrid and multidisciplinary training paths that can adapt to the needs and objectives of users. DIBS then recognizes the copyright of teachers and educational institutions for the co-created modules by redistributing a portion of the content’s value to the co-creator each time a user requests access to such content through the registration module.

Pre-Configured Paths: Mandatory Modules vs Optional / Recommended Modules

In pre-configured paths, the distinction between mandatory modules and optional or recommended modules is crucial to ensure effective and customizable training.

Mandatory Modules:

These modules form the essential basis of the training course. They are required to complete the course and obtain any associated certifications or credits. Their completion is essential, as they cover the fundamental skills and knowledge that all students must acquire.

Optional or Recommended Modules:

These modules are designed to provide additional educational enrichment and are ideal for students who wish to explore related topics beyond the core essentials. Although they are not mandatory for completion, they are highly recommended for those seeking deeper understanding or specialized skills. Students can choose which optional modules to take based on their interests or career goals.
Opting for a flexible approach, combining compulsory modules with optional or recommended ones, pre-configured pathways allow students to personalize their educational experience and develop a richer and more diverse skill set.

Services for Students and Companies (Career Coach & Talent Recruiting)

For the Students:

Our services for students are designed to support and facilitate their academic and professional journey in various ways:

  1. Dedicated Tutor:
    • Every student has access to a dedicated tutor who provides personalized support, answers specific questions, and guides the student through their learning journey.
  2. Evaluation:
    • Regular assessments are carried out to ensure that students understand and absorb the course material. These assessments also help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.
  3. Tracking Skills and Progress:
    • An advanced tracking system monitors the skills acquired and the progress made by students, allowing them to see how far they have advanced in the course and which skills they have developed.
  4. Career Coaching:
    • Professional orientation services are available to help students better understand career opportunities in their field of study, prepare for job interviews, and optimize their resumes.

For Companies:

We offer a range of services to companies to help them develop their employees’ skills and recruit emerging talents:

  1. Custom Courses:
    • Opportunities for companies to create customized training programs that meet the specific needs of their workforce, ensuring that employees acquire the skills necessary for their professional development.
  2. Headhunting:
    • Our headhunting service identifies and attracts highly qualified professionals specific to the company’s needs, ensuring that businesses can find the ideal candidate for critical roles.
  3. Talent Recruiting:
    • We support companies in recruiting new talents, facilitating access to a wide network of qualified students ready to enter the workforce. This includes participating in job fairs, on-campus interviews, and other recruitment initiatives.

Through these dedicated services, we aim to create a bridge between the academic world and the professional one, providing value to both students and companies.

Services for Training Institutions and Companies (Creation, Distribution, and Promotion of Modern Educational Content)

Creation of Educational Content

We offer personalized services for creating educational content that meets the specific needs of training institutions and companies. These services include:

  1. Development of Customized Curriculum:
    • We work together with organizations to develop study programs that are current, relevant, and in line with the latest trends and technologies in their field.
  2. Production of Multimedia Material:
    • We create multimedia educational materials, including videos, podcasts, and animations, that enhance engagement and facilitate visual and auditory learning.
  3. Integration of Advanced Technologies:
    • We incorporate advanced tools and technologies, as well as innovative methods for learning.

Content Distribution

We support educational institutions and companies in the effective distribution of educational content through:

  1. E-Learning Platforms:
    • We collaborate with existing platforms or help develop customized platforms for hosting and distributing online courses.
  2. Accessibilità e Scalabilità:
    • We guarantee that the content is easily accessible to a wide and diverse audience, and can be scaled to meet increasing demand.

Content Promotion

We support the promotion of educational content through:

  1. Digital Marketing Strategies:
    • We implement digital marketing strategies, including SEO, social media marketing, and online advertising campaigns, to increase the visibility of the courses.
  2. Events and Workshops:
    • We organize events, seminars, and workshops to introduce new educational content and stimulate the interest and participation of end users.
  3. Partnerships and Collaborations:
    • We establish partnerships with other educational institutions and companies in the sector to expand the reach and impact of training programs.

These services are designed to help educational institutions and companies remain competitive in the education sector, ensuring that their educational content is cutting-edge, effectively distributed, and widely promoted.

Are you ready to personalize your training? Contact us!

If to imagine a new destination is enough to dream,
charting the right path requires new skills and a new perspective.
Contact us for direct support in finding the right content for you
and begin your journey!